Over the last few years, there is a very strong trend among the elite business people around the world to purchase a property in one of ISRAEL’S high-end areas. There are several reasons for this trend. Many have an emotional desire to have home in Israel, they want excellent access to the opportunities that the “high-tech nation” can offer, and to be close to the most influential and key figures in Israel’s economy. Some desire an incredible house in Hertzelia Pituach, a luxury apt in one of Tel-Aviv upscale high rises, or a exclusive house in Arsoof. These are opportunities that will put you in Israel’s most prestigious club. Ziv Realty offers this very unique service for those who see themselves owning one of these spectacular properties. We have the best searching tools, great established connections, and the ability to LISTEN. We will take the time to understand exactly what kind of property will fulfill your dream. We will take you step-by-step from the moment of the decision to the final step of getting the key and being part of the Israel’s luxury’s club