There is a reason why I take my job so seriously. Moving your life from one country to another is unlike any other move. There are so many things that need to be considered. Different tax laws, the right schools (preferably with a suitable English program), the need to have other Anglos nearby, and a supportive community. These are just a few of the considerations that new immigrants must consider.

I was born in Israel and had a great childhood living in Rishon Letzion, in the center of Israel.

After the army, I decided to explore the world, as many post chayalim [soldiers] do and I worked at a Jewish summer camp upstate NY.

One thing led to another and I ended up in Florida and met my amazing wife. A few months turned into eight years of living in America.

During this time, I realized how different life in America was compared to the life in Israel.

The simplest things like opening a bank account, registering your kid to school, and understanding the tax laws became complicated and frustrating because it was so unfamiliar.

I found myself looking for people who were in the same situation. I was searching for people who understood!

When I came back to Israel with my family, I knew that what I learned while living in America taught me so much and provided me with an opportunity to help others. My experience with olim professionally, as well as personally returning to live in Israel permanently, has taught me the importance of working with my clients and helping them with so many aspects that are often ignored by other real estate agents. Are you looking for a specific type of community? A special school for your special child? Do you want to live within a certain distance – close to shopping or near a synagogue?  These concerns and questions are taken seriously at Ziv Realty.

I understand Olim Chadashim!

I’ve been there!